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Dean Andrew Hidas


OSCARS - Open Source Code for Advanced Radiation Simulation
A project I started for the calculation of radiation from charged particles

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Employed as one of the staff scientists

National Synchrotron Light Source II
The project I am involved in at BNL

Rutgers Experimental High Energy Group
I was part of the Rutgers HEX group and worked on both CMS and CDF

The CMS Experiment
I was on the CMS experiment at CERN

Perhaps more information about CERN and the LHC

I am also a member of the CDF collaboration, which is an experiment at Fermilab

Home of the Tevatron and CDF among others

Duke University High Energy Physics
My graduate years

University of California San Diego Physics Department
My undergraduate institution

Last modified: 29 July 2020.


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