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Dean Andrew Hidas


I am originally from the town of Sierra Madre, CA, USA which is very near Los Angeles and at the foot of the San Gabriel mountains. I am a product of public education and graduated from Pasadena High in 1998. I received my Bachelors of Science from The University of California, San Diego in 2002 and my Ph.D. from Duke University in 2008. I spent about 5 years in Chicago doing my thesis research on the CDF Experiment at Fermilab. I was a postdoc and CERN Associate with Rutgers University working on the CMS experiment at CERN. I lived in the area of Geneva, Switzerland from 2009 to 2015. I am now a staff scientist at Brookhaen National Laboratory working on National Synchrotron Light Source II.

Last modified: 13 March 2017.


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